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How to Filter Ads on YouTube as a YouTube Partner

How to Filter Ads on YouTube as a YouTube Partner

As a YouTube partner, you have the ability to filter the ads that appear next to your YouTube videos and channel. This feature allows you to control the types of ads that are displayed to your viewers, ensuring a more tailored and relevant experience. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of filtering ads from general or specific categories, as well as blocking ads from specific advertiser domains.

When it comes to filtering ads on YouTube, you have several options at your disposal. The first step is to log in to your YouTube account and navigate to the YouTube Studio dashboard. From there, click on “Monetization” in the left-hand menu and select “Ad suitability” from the drop-down menu.

Once you’re on the Ad suitability page, you’ll see a list of categories that you can filter. These categories include topics such as “Sensitive social issues,” “Tragedy and conflict,” and “Adult content.” By default, all categories are set to “Allowed,” meaning that ads from these categories can appear alongside your videos. However, if you want to filter out ads from a specific category, simply click on the toggle switch next to it to change it to “Not allowed.”

In addition to filtering ads by category, you can also block ads from specific advertiser domains. This can be useful if you have had negative experiences with certain advertisers or if you want to prevent ads from competing channels from appearing on your videos. To block ads from specific domains, scroll down to the “Blocked advertisers” section on the Ad suitability page.

Here, you can enter the domains of the advertisers you want to block. For example, if you want to block ads from a domain called “,” simply type “” into the text box and click on the “Block” button. This will prevent ads from that domain from appearing on your videos.

It’s important to note that while filtering ads can help you create a more personalized experience for your viewers, it may also impact your ad revenue. By filtering out certain categories or blocking specific advertiser domains, you may limit the number of ads that can be displayed on your videos, which could potentially reduce your earnings. Therefore, it’s important to strike a balance between providing a positive viewer experience and maximizing your revenue.

In conclusion, as a YouTube partner, you have the power to filter ads on your channel to ensure that they align with your content and audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can take control of the types of ads that appear alongside your videos, creating a more tailored and relevant experience for your viewers while still maintaining your ad revenue.

Step 1: Sign in to your AdSense for YouTube Account

To begin filtering ads on your YouTube channel, sign in to your AdSense for YouTube account. This is the platform where you can manage your ad settings and preferences.

Once you have successfully signed in to your AdSense for YouTube account, you will have access to a range of features and tools that will help you optimize your ad experience on your channel. AdSense for YouTube is a powerful platform that allows you to monetize your videos and earn revenue from the ads that are displayed on your content.
When you sign in to your AdSense for YouTube account, you will be able to view important information about your ad performance, such as the number of ad impressions, clicks, and earnings. This data can be invaluable in helping you understand how your ads are performing and make informed decisions about your ad strategy.
In addition to viewing your ad performance, you can also customize your ad settings and preferences. AdSense for YouTube offers a range of ad formats and options, allowing you to choose the types of ads that are displayed on your videos. You can select from various ad formats, including display ads, overlay ads, skippable video ads, and more. By customizing your ad settings, you can ensure that the ads displayed on your content are relevant and engaging to your audience.
Furthermore, AdSense for YouTube provides you with the ability to filter ads based on specific criteria. This means that you can choose to block certain types of ads from appearing on your videos. For example, if you have a family-friendly channel, you may want to block ads that are not suitable for all audiences. By filtering ads, you can maintain control over the content that is displayed alongside your videos and ensure that it aligns with your brand and values.
Overall, signing in to your AdSense for YouTube account is the first step in taking control of your ad experience on your YouTube channel. By accessing the platform, you can view important data, customize your ad settings, and filter ads to create a more tailored and engaging ad experience for your viewers. So, let’s move on to the next step and explore how to customize your ad settings in AdSense for YouTube.

Step 2: Access Blocking Controls for YouTube Host

Once you are signed in to your AdSense for YouTube account, locate the menu button in the top left corner of the page. Click on the menu button to reveal a dropdown menu. From the menu, select “Blocking Controls” and then choose “YouTube Host.”

After selecting “YouTube Host,” you will be directed to a new page where you can customize the blocking controls specifically for YouTube. This feature allows you to have more control over the types of ads that are displayed on your YouTube videos.
On the “YouTube Host” page, you will find various options to block different types of ads. You can choose to block specific categories of ads, such as alcohol, gambling, or sensitive content. This is particularly useful if you have a specific target audience and want to ensure that the ads displayed on your videos align with their interests and values.
Additionally, you have the option to block ads from specific advertisers. This can be helpful if you have had negative experiences with certain advertisers in the past or if you simply prefer not to have their ads displayed on your channel.
Furthermore, you can block ads from specific URLs. This allows you to prevent ads from appearing on your videos that may be associated with websites or content that you find inappropriate or irrelevant to your audience.
In addition to these blocking options, you can also choose to block ads from specific ad networks. This gives you the ability to control which ad networks are allowed to display ads on your YouTube videos, ensuring that you are working with reputable and trusted networks.
Once you have customized your blocking controls for YouTube, make sure to click on the “Save” button to apply the changes. It’s important to regularly review and update your blocking controls to ensure that the ads displayed on your videos are in line with your preferences and the interests of your audience.
By utilizing the blocking controls for YouTube host, you can create a more tailored and personalized ad experience for your viewers. This not only enhances their viewing experience but also helps to maintain the integrity and quality of your YouTube channel.

Step 3: Blocking Specific Advertiser URLs

If there are specific advertiser domains that you want to block from displaying ads on your channel, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Advertiser URLs” tab in the horizontal bar across the top of the page.
  2. In the designated box, enter the URLs of the advertiser domains you wish to block.
  3. After entering the URLs, click on the “Block URLs” button to save your changes.

By blocking specific advertiser URLs, you can ensure that ads from those domains do not appear alongside your videos and channel.

Blocking specific advertiser URLs is an effective way to have more control over the types of ads that are displayed on your channel. It allows you to prevent ads from certain domains that may not align with your brand or content from being shown to your viewers. This feature is especially useful if you have had negative experiences with ads from certain advertisers or if you want to maintain a certain level of professionalism and relevance in the ads that appear on your channel.

When you click on the “Advertiser URLs” tab, you will be presented with a box where you can enter the URLs of the advertiser domains that you want to block. It is important to enter the URLs correctly to ensure that the blocking feature works as intended. You can enter multiple URLs by separating them with commas or by entering each URL on a new line.

After entering the URLs, you can click on the “Block URLs” button to save your changes. Once the URLs are blocked, ads from those domains will no longer be displayed on your channel. This can help create a more tailored and personalized viewing experience for your audience, as they will not be exposed to ads that may be irrelevant or unwanted.

It is important to regularly review and update the list of blocked advertiser URLs to ensure that it remains up to date. Advertisers may change their domains or new advertisers may emerge that you want to block. By regularly monitoring and managing the blocked URLs, you can maintain control over the types of ads that are displayed on your channel and continue to provide a positive and engaging viewing experience for your audience.

Step 4: Blocking Ads by General or Sensitive Categories

If you want to have more control over the types of ads displayed on your YouTube channel, you can block ads based on general or sensitive categories. This allows you to ensure that certain types of ads are not shown to your viewers, creating a more targeted and relevant advertising experience.

To block ads based on general or sensitive categories, simply follow these steps:

  1. Click on the appropriate tab in the horizontal bar across the top of the page. If you want to block general categories, click on the “General” tab. If you want to block sensitive categories, click on the “Sensitive” tab.
  2. Once you are on the category page, you will find a comprehensive list of available categories. This list includes various categories such as automotive, beauty, technology, and many more. You can use the controls provided to allow or block specific categories according to your preferences.
  3. Upon selecting your desired categories to block, your changes will be automatically saved. It is important to note that these changes may take up to 24 hours to be reflected on your channel.

By utilizing the option to block ads based on general or sensitive categories, you can have greater control over the types of ads shown to your audience. This can be particularly useful if you have a specific target audience or if you want to ensure that certain types of content are not associated with your channel.

However, it is important to keep in mind that these blocking controls only apply to ads serving on the watch page. They do not affect ads serving on feeds or shorts. Additionally, it is worth noting that the filter list you create only blocks ads served via AdSense for YouTube. Ads served via Google Ad Manager will not be prevented by filtering specific domains.

If you require more detailed information on allowing and blocking ads, YouTube provides additional resources to guide you through the process. These resources can offer valuable insights and tips on optimizing your ad settings to suit your preferences and target audience.

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