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Writing a Script for Live Streaming: Tips and Guidelines

Why Write a Script for Live Streaming

In recent years, live streaming for sales has become an incredibly popular sales method. Not only that, but live streaming also enables amateurs and businesses alike to easily engage in broadcasting. However, to stand out among the multitude of live streams, adequate preparation is necessary, including writing a live streaming script. So, how do you write a good script to make your live stream more engaging? Below, we’ll share some practical methods.

01 Why Write a Script for Live Streaming

Organize the live streaming process: The worst thing to do in a live stream is to only consider the content and activities right before going live. Some stores even directly hand their activities to the anchor without prior preparation. If the anchor hasn’t previewed the content and products of the live stream in advance, the resulting broadcast will be awkward and unengaging, failing to capture the audience’s attention. Therefore, writing a script can help anchors organize the live streaming process, ensuring the content flows smoothly.

Manage anchor’s dialogue: With a script, it’s convenient to provide guidance for each minute of the anchor’s actions, ensuring they know exactly what to do at any given time and what’s left to be done. Additionally, it allows the anchor to convey more content.

Facilitate summarization: Summarizing is an important task for every anchor after ending the broadcast. This task requires backend management personnel to continuously summarize data, which involves team collaboration. Therefore, live streaming for sales not only requires anchors but also support from operations. Operations shouldn’t only appear when the anchor is about to start broadcasting.

02 Key Points for Writing Live Streaming Scripts

One script per week: It’s recommended to plan live streaming scripts on a weekly basis. This rhythm allows for better time management, reduces the workload of operational planning, improves the workflow of live streaming, and facilitates periodic summaries.

Periodic games: The biggest difference between e-commerce live streaming and general entertainment is that e-commerce live streaming cannot excessively showcase personal talents such as singing or dancing. So, how do you make consumers remember you? Consider introducing some periodic games, such as 9.9 flash sales every Tuesday, 50% off new products every Friday and Saturday, or weekly auctions, etc.

Product highlights: Product highlights should be compiled into a booklet that can be continuously updated, making it easier for anchors to quickly understand the products. This requires team collaboration, and it’s best if the anchor can also participate.

03 Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Live Streaming Scripts

In the process of coordinating live streaming, various problems may arise, hence the need for script-based coordination. Scripts can be divided into single-product scripts and entire show scripts.

Single-product scripts: Single-product scripts are best written in table form, clearly displaying our selling points and benefits. Brand introductions, emphasis on benefits, guidance for conversions, and attention points in the live room should all be included in the table.

Entire show scripts: Entire show scripts are written for the entire live stream. The most important aspect is to plan and arrange the structure of our live stream, focusing on logic, gameplay, and controlling the pace of the live stream. The entire live stream lasts approximately 4 to 6 hours without breaks.

An entire show script includes pre-broadcast, post-broadcast, product introductions, interaction, sales interpretation, and other segments. Pre-broadcast involves sign-ins, greetings, etc.; post-broadcast includes close-up live streaming, spoilers of new products, etc.; product introductions should be based on fans’ demand for the products; interaction should respond to fans’ comments, and sales interpretation should be adjusted based on the number of simultaneous online viewers and the conversion sales data of each product.

A suitable live streaming script is a necessary condition for a live room to get on the right track. It can make your live stream more interesting and engaging and also help sell products better. If you don’t have a live streaming script yet, you can refer to the above methods and combine them with your store’s products for optimization.

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